Thursday 12 February 2015

V-Day Countdown Day 2: The Celebration Of Single Life

Ritual dictates that in the auspicious nocturnal darkness, the fifth day of the week be set aside for commemorating the potency of alcohol on the female species and for the celebration of all things ‘Woman’, this sacred time went on to be called ‘Ladies Night’ and would be religiously followed by women all over the city of Bangalore.

Come Thursday evening and we would ceremoniously dress up in our ‘tart’ best. (No, no… our tart dressing was never as bad as what the kids these days wear.) Dresses were squeezed into, a little strap here, a little skin there, a bit of legs, ten coats of mascara, papaya pheromones smeared with care onto the pressure points, lipstick painted on and some strappy stilettos thrown in for added effect (and to make our bums look nicer). Three hours later and we were on our way to our usual haunt, the iBar, a sanctum of booze, boys, booty shaking and some bitchy gossip. The big wooden doors would swing open and the music boomed and blared. For the single lady, this is the Promised Land that God was talking about, but it wasn't milk and honey that flowed, it was gin and juice, rum and coke, unlimited alcohol in all its forms. Glasses overflowed, speech slurred and visions blurred. Needless to say, the memory of most nights were a blur too. Many I time I've know people who have woken up in bathrooms, or one the terrace of the building opposite to their actual apartment, or with a jagged piece of broken glass sticking out from under their foot, going “What the hell happened last night?” (True Story)

For all you single girls out there on Valentine’s Day, I want you to promise me one thing, please, don’t fret. I was once the girl whom, after watching 500 Days of Summer for the first time, kept watching it over and over from 10pm to 5am, crying so much that my eyes looked like it had just undergone botched plastic surgery. I was hopeless when it came to love, and I was even more hopeless when it came to being single. But the day you stop feeling sorry for yourself is the day you realize that the world opens up a lot more opportunities to the single woman.Yes, the single life can be absolutely fabulous, especially when you have a bunch of crazy girlfriends sharing the journey with you.

Being single gives you the license and the balls to do the following:
  • Walking behind the hot American foreign exchange student/colleague/guy on the road, singing Estelle’s American Boy.
  • Standing outside Gold’s Gym (or any other gym with glass windows) and staring at a cute guy working-out, then whistling and making lewd gestures at him following which he almost falls off the treadmill following which you laugh your ass off and leave.
  • Sweet talking the DJ into letting us climb up on the speakers and dance
  • Covertly pinching a random guy’s bum as they stand in line at a busy club to buy drinks causing them major insecurity and then pretending like you didn't know what was going on.
          Guy: Hey… did you just pinch my butt?
          You: What? Excuse me? What did you just ask me? Jesus! Yuck!
          Guy: (shocked, confused and doesn't quite know what happened.)
  •   Meeting someone on a formal interview/meeting/conference who is irresistibly good looking and at the end of the conversation they say “So, is there anything else?” to which you shamelessly ask, “Yes, actually. Can I feel your abs/arms/pecks/whatever? It’s for the article.”
  • Or use pick-up lines such as: “Hi, you were so mesmerizing that I walked into a wall and hurt my head. I need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
I haven’t even scratched the surface here. Think of the craziest thing and do it! Do it all, just because you can. What have you got to lose anyway?
Single life was one of the most fabulous phases of my life, but somehow finding love has been surreal. I always thought I’d be the kind of woman who would have the most fabulous social life, work her way to the top and have everything she needed only to return home to emptiness and loneliness. (It’s still not too late for that to happen in case Eric changes his mind *bites nails anxiously*).

Revel in your singleness. Celebrate it. And while you’re out having fun love will arrive in the most unexpected form. Be it that random someone offering you water after a tiring dance session, or a shoulder to cry on when your dog gets neutered, or just that acquaintance that, even in your wildest dreams, you never saw yourself with. But don’t go searching for love. You’ll end up with some moron (Been there. Done that. The whole story in the next post) So if you’re single this Valentine’s Day then do what I did last year. Emotionally blackmail a bunch of your single friends (there are more of them in existence than you think), drag them away from their loneliness, ice-cream and sappy movies, dress up, put on your pretty smile and go out and paint the town red. (or in our case, Orange, because we went to a Mad Orange Firework’s performance. One of the best bands in Bangalore). Stop wallowing in self-pity. Your time too shall come, and until it does, live life to the fullest, because life is just too short for you to be sulking around. And remember, if all else fails, Jesus loves you! 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

V-Day Countdown. Day 1: When Love Arrives

So I was racking my brain as to how to commemorate V-Day now that I've finally found love. So I decided to do a 360° look of the phenomena that has had us falling head over heels… turning our knees to jelly… making us feel all warm and fuzzy inside… driving us to ripping out our hair…crying buckets while watching 500 Days of Summer… and turning hostile towards the male/female species.
What better way to begin than with one of the most realistic Love Poems I've read till date. When Love Arrives by Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye. Its free verse and oh-so-easy to read, so don’t tell me that you don’t understand poetry.

[Sarah & Phil]
I knew exact what love looked like...
In seventh grade

Even though I hadn't met love yet
If love had wandered into my homeroom
I would have recognized him at first glance
Love wore a hemp necklace

I would have recognized her at first glance
Love wore a tight french braid

Love played acoustic guitar
And knew all my favorite Beatles' songs

Love wasn't afraid to ride the bus with me

[Sarah & Phil]
And I knew

I just must be searching the wrong classroom

Just must be checking the wrong hallways
She was there, I was sure of it

If only I could find him

[Sarah & Phil]
But when love finally showed up

She had a bowl cut

He wore the same clothes every day for a week

Love hated the bus

Love didn't know anything about the Beatles

[Sarah & Phil]

Every time I tried to kiss love

[Sarah & Phil]
Our teeth got in the way

Love became the reason I lied to my parents

"I'm going to... Ben's house"

Love had terrible rhythm on the dance floor
But made sure we never missed a slow song

Love waited by the phone because she knew if her father picked up it would be

[Sarah (Phil)]
"Hello ?" (*Heavy breathing*)
"Hello ?" (*Heavy breathing*)
"I guess they hung up"

And love grew

Stretched like a trampoline

Love changed

Love disappeared... slowly
Like baby teeth, losing parts of me I though I needed

Love vanished like an amateur magician
Everyone could see the trapdoor but me

Like a flat tire
There were other places I had planned on going

[Sarah & Phil]
But my plans didn't matter

Love stayed away for years
And when love finally reappeared, I barely recognized him

Love smelled different now, had darker eyes

A broader back
Love came with freckles I didn't recognize

New birthmarks, a softer voice

Now there were new sleeping patterns

New favorite books

Love had songs that reminded him of someone else

Songs love didn't like to listen to

[Sarah & Phil]
So did I...

But we found a park bench that fit us perfectly

We found jokes that make us laugh

And now love makes me fresh homemade chocolate chip cookies

But love will probably finish most of them for a midnight snack

Loves looks great in lingerie but still likes to wear her retainer

Love is a terrible driver, but a great navigator

Love knows where she's going
It just might take her two hours longer than she planned

Love is messier now

Not as simple

Love uses the word "boobs" in front of my parents

Love chews two loud

Love leaves the cap off the toothpaste

Love uses smiley faces in her text messages

And turns out

[Sarah & Phil]
Love shits !

But love also cries
And love will tell you, "You are beautiful"

And mean it

[Sarah (Phil)]
Over and over again ("You are beautiful")
When you just wake up- ("You are beautiful")
When you've just been crying- ("You are beautiful")
When you don't wanna hear it- ("You are beautiful")
When you don't believe it- ("You are beautiful")
When nobody else will tell you, ("You are beautiful")
Love still thinks... ("...")

You are beautiful

But love is not perfect and will sometimes forget

When you need to hear it most

[Sarah & Phil]
You are beautiful

Do not forget this

Love is not who you were expecting
Love is not what you can predict

Maybe love is in New York City already asleep
You are in California, Australia, wide awake
Maybe love is always in the wrong timezone

Maybe love is not ready for you
Maybe you are not ready for love

Maybe love just isn't the marrying type

Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years after the divorce
Love looks older now, but just as beautiful as you remember

Maybe love is only there for a month

Maybe love is there for every firework, every birthday party, every hospital visit

Maybe love stays

Maybe love can't

[Sarah & Phil]
Maybe love shouldn't...

Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to
And love leaves exactly when love must

When love arrives say,

[Sarah & Phil]
"Welcome, make yourself comfortable"

If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her

Turn off the music, listen to the quiet


[Sarah & Phil]
"Thank you for stopping by"

P.S: For those of you who are just pure lazy to read it, or want the added feel of spoken word poetry, here’s the link to the video. It’s amazing.